When you’re struggling with student loan debt, it’s important to seek help from a qualified student loan bankruptcy attorney. But how do you choose the right one? Here are five tips to help make the process easier: 1. Do Your Research It’s important to find an attorney who has experience in bankruptcy law and specifically […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Will filing bankruptcy stop student loan garnishment? Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting process. But if you’re struggling to keep up with your student loan payments, it may be an option worth exploring. Will it end collection efforts or prevent the loss of assets? Will filing bankruptcy stop student loan garnishment? Is it really […]
Some people assume that filing for bankruptcy does nothing to help you with student loans. This isn’t always the case. Student loan bankruptcy reform over the years means you have options when it comes to managing overwhelming student loan debt. But this doesn’t mean your student loan will automatically be discharged like other types of […]
What happens if you pay student loans with credit cards then file bankruptcy? It’s important to avoid this and other common bankruptcy mistakes. Students often make mistakes when filing for bankruptcy. They’re young and usually don’t have a lot of experience with financial matters. Some mistakes aren’t a big deal, while others cause financial damage […]
Can you file bankruptcy on private student loans? Here’s what you need to know if you struggle to keep up with private and public loan payments. Student loan debt is a huge problem in the United States. Many people find themselves in deep debt before they even begin earning money. For many, bankruptcy is the […]
Bankruptcy is a great way to improve your financial situation. It’s not right for everyone though. And it means big changes in your life. But can you keep your home if you file for bankruptcy? Your home is likely your most important asset. It’s understandable why you’d be concerned about how filing for bankruptcy could […]
A bankruptcy attorney is a valuable asset when you’re dealing with debt. From stopping illegal debt collection tactics to representing you in court, an attorney is your most-trusted resource throughout the process. Unfortunately, not all bankruptcy attorneys are equal. To get the greatest benefit from working with a bankruptcy, you’ll need to choose one with […]
Can you file bankruptcy and keep your home? Absolutely. If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, there’s a lot of information to digest. One of the most important things to know about bankruptcy though is that filing doesn’t automatically mean losing your home. How do you know if you’ll be able to keep your home if […]
Can they take your home if you file for bankruptcy? Are you worried about what’s going to happen if you can’t pay your mortgage? For example, can they take your home if you file for bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is one of the most powerful tools you have when faced with significant debt. However, many people avoid […]
How long after bankruptcy can I buy a home? Years, at least. But bankruptcy doesn’t mean you won’t be able to own a home in the future. It might actually improve your chances of being a homeowner. When you’re deep in debt, foreclosure might seem like your only option. Unfortunately, though, allowing the bank to […]