Many people find that filing for bankruptcy provides all of the financial relief they need to get back on track. But this isn’t the case for everyone. For some, bankruptcy is just the first step in resolving financial struggles. A bankruptcy attorney in Tampa, Florida can help you manage life during and after bankruptcy. Bankruptcy […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
It’s no surprise that people are skeptical of how bankruptcy can help their financial situation. Many have heard stories about how filing for bankruptcy caused problems for years for people they know. In some cases, working with a reputable bankruptcy law firm would have avoided the problems. But in reality, bankruptcy isn’t right for everyone. […]
The primary benefit of bankruptcy is the discharge. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy results in the elimination of your legal obligation to repay any or all of your debts. Of all of the bankruptcy law basics, it’s the most beneficial long-term and the reason why so many people file. How Does the Bankruptcy Discharge Work? […]
One of the greatest benefits of filing for bankruptcy is the automatic stay. The automatic stay is a court order that stops collection efforts and most civil lawsuits related to debt. Even if the stoppage is temporary, it gives you breathing room to determine your next move. Florida bankruptcy attorneys explain the bankruptcy process to […]
One of the major concerns people have when filing for bankruptcy is whether or not they will lose their assets. Florida bankruptcy law helps you protect your assets, but understanding how those laws apply to your situation can be confusing. Working with an experienced bankruptcy attorney helps you take advantage of the “secret” bankruptcy laws […]
If you’re an honest person, the idea of being accused of fraud might seem ridiculous to you. But if you’re an honest person filing for bankruptcy, accusations of fraud are a legitimate risk. The bankruptcy court has little tolerance for mistakes, even when they are honest ones. A Florida bankruptcy attorney can work with you […]
The legal system is complex. Even the simplest legal issue can develop into something complicated without the right guidance. Filing for bankruptcy requires a careful review of your financial documents and the submission of bankruptcy schedules to the court. Without the help of a bankruptcy attorney in Tampa, Florida, it’s easy to understand how trying […]
One of the main reasons people put off filing for bankruptcy is because they are concerned about how it will change their life. Clients ask all the time “Is there life after bankruptcy?” We tell them there most certainly is. But it’s not going to be the same as it was before filing for bankruptcy. […]
If you’re like most parents, one of your primary concerns is teaching your kids good money management. Many of the adults who file bankruptcy in Florida believe their financial struggles would have been avoidable had they learned how to budget when they were young. Here are a few things you can do to teach your […]
A bankruptcy attorney in Tampa, Florida helps you learn what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to bankruptcy. People who have never filed for bankruptcy make a lot of assumptions about bankruptcy. Even those who have filed believe some common bankruptcy myths. Unfortunately, some of the misconceptions about bankruptcy prevent people who would benefit […]