One of the most intimidating aspects of filing for bankruptcy is protecting your assets. Worrying about whether bankruptcy puts their homes or savings at risk prevents some people from filing. Protecting bankruptcy assets is an important consideration when filing. It’s one of the reasons why working with an attorney is so important when you file. […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Many people struggling financially avoid filing for bankruptcy because of concerns about losing important assets like their vehicles. The good news is you don’t need to lose your car when you file for bankruptcy. What assets can you keep through the bankruptcy process and how do you go about keeping them? Here’s what you should […]
Filing for bankruptcy can be an overwhelming experience. The relief you receive when you file helps you feel better about your situation, but there are also drawbacks. Filing means giving the bankruptcy court a significant amount of control over your finances and your assets. Many people wonder if hiding assets in bankruptcy is the best […]
Bankruptcy trustees gain access to a variety of your assets when you file. But what is considered an asset in bankruptcy? Is your savings account at risk and do you need to worry about the trustee taking money out of your bank accounts when you file? Here’s what you need to know. In general, you’ll […]
fiHow filing for bankruptcy affects your home is one of the greatest concerns people have when they consult with bankruptcy attorneys. An attorney helps you learn how to file for bankruptcy and keep your assets and ensures that whatever protections available are applied to your home. Whether you are faced with foreclosure or hoping to […]
Student loan debt is overwhelming many people. Could refinancing be the answer to help you avoid bankruptcy if your student loans are unaffordable? Does bankruptcy clear student loans or will you be no better off than you are right now after filing? If you’ve already filed, but it did very little to ease your student […]
One of the most common questions people have when they consider bankruptcy is “can student debt be discharged in bankruptcy?” In most cases, the answer is “no.” However, there are other things you can do to improve your financial situation when you have significant student loan debt and you’re considering bankruptcy. Here’s what you need […]
If you’re wondering how to file for bankruptcy for student loan debt or you’re wondering if bankruptcy can help you with student loans, read on to learn about upcoming changes to bankruptcy law that could help. Those facing crushing student loan debt aren’t alone. Students and graduates across the country are dealing with five- and […]
Many people considering bankruptcy wonder “Does bankruptcy clear student loan debt?” Until recently, that answer was almost always “no.” But a recent court ruling this past September could change how bankruptcy courts deal with student loan debt. The ruling comes from the US Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit Court in the case McDaniel […]