Student loan debt is overwhelming many people. Could refinancing be the answer to help you avoid bankruptcy if your student loans are unaffordable? Does bankruptcy clear student loans or will you be no better off than you are right now after filing? If you’ve already filed, but it did very little to ease your student […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
One of the most common questions people have when they consider bankruptcy is “can student debt be discharged in bankruptcy?” In most cases, the answer is “no.” However, there are other things you can do to improve your financial situation when you have significant student loan debt and you’re considering bankruptcy. Here’s what you need […]
If you’re wondering how to file for bankruptcy for student loan debt or you’re wondering if bankruptcy can help you with student loans, read on to learn about upcoming changes to bankruptcy law that could help. Those facing crushing student loan debt aren’t alone. Students and graduates across the country are dealing with five- and […]
Many people considering bankruptcy wonder “Does bankruptcy clear student loan debt?” Until recently, that answer was almost always “no.” But a recent court ruling this past September could change how bankruptcy courts deal with student loan debt. The ruling comes from the US Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit Court in the case McDaniel […]
Here’s what you need to know if the IRS has contacted you about tax debt. Every year the IRS contacts people regarding their income tax status. There are few things as daunting as having the IRS contact you. Most people assume it means they’re getting audited or they’ve done something wrong. In reality, the IRS […]
How do you repair this damage and rebuild your credit after filing for bankruptcy? Many people believe that filing for bankruptcy destroys your credit forever. This is a myth. Bankruptcy affects your credit, but the initial impact doesn’t last forever. The damage bankruptcy causes is your “credit rock bottom” and from there you build upward. […]
How can you learn better credit card management after bankruptcy? Using credit after bankruptcy is an intimidating experience for many people. If credit cards were the reason they got into financial trouble in the past, they might prefer to avoid credit in the future. But not using credit at all after bankruptcy does very little […]
Bankruptcy credit counseling helps you emerge from bankruptcy understanding credit management. People filing for bankruptcy must take two courses regarding credit and bankruptcy. The bankruptcy court requires these courses before granting the bankruptcy discharge. Your debt obligations stand until you provide proof to the court that you completed bankruptcy credit counseling and your other education […]