Your credit score has a major impact on your financial life. You can be a great person with a bad credit score, but you can’t be a person who gets approved for credit cards or granted mortgage loans with bad credit. Luckily, there are things you can do to boost your credit score. If your […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
How do you deal with errors on your credit report after bankruptcy? In a perfect world, you could ignore your credit report and everything would be correct. As long as you paid your bills on time and did what you’re supposed to do, you’d never need to worry about problems with your credit or being […]
One of the primary goals after filing for bankruptcy is rebuilding your credit. As tempting as it might be to swear off credit after bankruptcy, especially if it was a major factor in your financial challenges, you’re going to want to re-establish your credit history. The more efficiently you do so, the better your financial […]
Should You File Bankruptcy? As the say goes, “when it rains it pours.” If you’ve found yourself experiencing financial difficulties while also dealing with other major life changes, you aren’t alone. Divorce, job loss, relocation, and major medical issues often precede bankruptcy. These things often get people thinking about the advantage of a financial fresh […]
Financial Fresh Start You’ve probably heard it before. “Bankruptcy gives you a financial fresh start.” It’s something stated on this blog all the time. But was does “fresh start” actually mean when it comes to your finances and filing for bankruptcy? In most cases, the fresh start promised when you file for bankruptcy refers to […]
Bankruptcy can be a blessing, but it’s also a complicated process. Bankruptcy attorney help means you’ll understand the complexities of the laws governing the process that can help you get a fresh financial start. If you want as much assurance as possible that your bankruptcy will go as planned, the guidance and support of an […]
Securing a loan is one of the biggest challenges faced by someone after filing for bankruptcy. But this doesn’t mean taking out a loan is impossible, even if it’s a mortgage loan. Bankruptcy attorney help lets you move forward as quickly as possible after bankruptcy. Of course, bankruptcy does affect your ability to get a […]
Claiming Bankruptcy in Florida Understanding how claiming bankruptcy in Florida affects your children is an important part of determining whether or not you should file. Even with serious financial concerns, you don’t want to do anything that will harm your children now or in the future. This is especially true if you’ve set aside money […]
Bankruptcy Claims in Florida – Spouse files for bankruptcy You already know how much the things you do affect your spouse when you are married. Even if you’ve created stronger-than-usual boundaries, it’s impossible to make any significant decisions or changes in your life without your spouse’s involvement. Some states even require your spouse to sign-off […]