Claiming Bankruptcy in Florida Understanding how claiming bankruptcy in Florida affects your children is an important part of determining whether or not you should file. Even with serious financial concerns, you don’t want to do anything that will harm your children now or in the future. This is especially true if you’ve set aside money […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Bankruptcy Claims in Florida – Spouse files for bankruptcy You already know how much the things you do affect your spouse when you are married. Even if you’ve created stronger-than-usual boundaries, it’s impossible to make any significant decisions or changes in your life without your spouse’s involvement. Some states even require your spouse to sign-off […]
Bankruptcy and Family Law If you’re like many people, the well-being of your children is your most important priority. Struggling financially doesn’t change this. Even if you are considering bankruptcy, you’ll still want to do right by your children and provide for them. What should you know about bankruptcy and family law? What if you’re […]
Florida Bankruptcy Attorney Getting through the bankruptcy process is about more than just improving your finances. Working with a Florida bankruptcy attorney can help. Many people find the emotional toll of bankruptcy a major challenge. Despite the financial improvements they are making, their feelings about bankruptcy might seem overwhelming. Thankfully, there are things you can […]
Bankruptcy and Family Law Bankruptcy and divorce separately are two of the most stressful events you can experience in your life. Having to go through them simultaneously is nearly unimaginable for most people. But there is a select group of the unlucky few who must deal with both of these issues at the same time. […]
COVID Bankruptcy If you’re struggling to make ends meet and you feel as if your life is on hold because of COVID-19, you aren’t alone. Many people who have lost their jobs and are struggling financially feel as though they are in a holding pattern. Filing for COVID bankruptcy might help. And with such a […]
Business Bankruptcy 2020 was a tumultuous year and many of the financial challenges caused by the pandemic are expected to carry over into 2021. The retail sector was one of the most heavily impacted by lockdown measures and many are expected to file business bankruptcy in the upcoming year. While some retailers like Amazon, Walmart, […]
Unemployment Benefits Were you one of the millions of people who ended up out of a job and using unemployment benefits because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020? It’s comforting to know you weren’t alone, but that does very little when it comes to paying your bills or making ends meet in general. Here’s what […]
Bankruptcy Laws The COVID-19 pandemic brought a lot of changes throughout 2020 and many are expected to continue into 2021 and beyond. Although there were no significant changes to the bankruptcy process throughout the year, some financial experts see changes in bankruptcy law on the horizon. And they believe that’s a good thing. Many people […]