Bankruptcy Lawyer Bankruptcy is one of the most common reasons for someone to need an attorney. Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated process and a lot can go wrong. Working with a bankruptcy lawyer means you’ll have the guidance and support you need. They’ll help you avoid problems and ensure that whatever assets are eligible […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Presumption of Abuse Deciding to file for bankruptcy is an intimidating experience. It becomes even more so as the process moves forward and various new and unfamiliar terms become commonplace, such as the presumption of abuse. This is one of the reasons it’s so helpful to work with a bankruptcy attorney. Someone will be there […]
Bankruptcy Case Dismissed There are two possible outcomes for those filing for bankruptcy. It doesn’t matter if you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the result of bankruptcy is either debt discharge or having your bankruptcy case dismissed. The former is the goal, the latter is a risk of things not working out as […]
Should I File for Bankruptcy? If you’re considering bankruptcy and you feel as if you’re the only person in the world struggling with financial obligations, you aren’t alone. Not only are you not the only person, but you also aren’t the only one who feels this way. Financial challenges that are severe enough to consider […]
Student Loan Debt Taking out a loan or multiple loans to attend college is nothing new. Students have been using loans to pay their tuition for decades. The government even offers low-interest loans to make repayment of student loan debt easier once you graduate. But this doesn’t mean repayment is actually easy. More often than […]
341 Meetings are One of the Most Important Obligations in Bankruptcy There are several requirements you must meet when you file for bankruptcy. One of the requirements that causes the most stress for filers is the 341 Meeting of Creditors. If there is one thing that people filing for bankruptcy dread, it’s this meeting. What […]
Bankruptcy Credit Repair One of the biggest challenges you’ll have post-bankruptcy is getting credit extended to you. But for most people post-bankruptcy, it’s not that they can’t get credit; it’s that they can’t get credit worth having. The cost of credit extended to people after bankruptcy is just too expensive. This is why post-bankruptcy credit […]
Can Filing for Bankruptcy Help You with Unpaid Medical Bills? One of the most common misconceptions about bankruptcy is that everyone who files was irresponsible with money. Of course, there are people who file for bankruptcy because they mishandled credit cards, spent more than they earned, or failed to budget as needed. There are also […]
Bankruptcy Court Bankruptcy is a process that many people find intimidating. In part, this is because they must turn their financial information over to the court system. Bankruptcy court oversees your case when you file. Filers must operate within the letter of the bankruptcy law once they file. Understanding how the bankruptcy court system works […]