Bankruptcy Credit Repair One of the biggest challenges you’ll have post-bankruptcy is getting credit extended to you. But for most people post-bankruptcy, it’s not that they can’t get credit; it’s that they can’t get credit worth having. The cost of credit extended to people after bankruptcy is just too expensive. This is why post-bankruptcy credit […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Can Filing for Bankruptcy Help You with Unpaid Medical Bills? One of the most common misconceptions about bankruptcy is that everyone who files was irresponsible with money. Of course, there are people who file for bankruptcy because they mishandled credit cards, spent more than they earned, or failed to budget as needed. There are also […]
Bankruptcy Court Bankruptcy is a process that many people find intimidating. In part, this is because they must turn their financial information over to the court system. Bankruptcy court oversees your case when you file. Filers must operate within the letter of the bankruptcy law once they file. Understanding how the bankruptcy court system works […]
Bankruptcy Counseling Filing for bankruptcy is not an easy decision. For many, it’s their only option for getting the debt relief they need to start fresh and move forward in their lives. But even if you are sure bankruptcy is right for you, it can still be a confusing and intimidating process. There’s a lot […]
How to Declare Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is a last resort for many who file. After attempting to clean up a messy financial situation with other options, people with credit problems turn to bankruptcy, knowing it offers a drastic solution to a significant financial crisis. But until they reach they point many people don’t know how to […]
Medical Bankruptcy Healthcare costs are one of the biggest expenses modern-day Americans face. It leads many people to wonder if medical bankruptcy is an option. Even people who have health insurance often find themselves in serious debt after dealing with a medical crisis. And because of this, unpaid medical bills are one of the primary […]
Bankruptcy Secrets Did you know that knowing just a few of these often-unknown bankruptcy secrets can help you with filing? Bankruptcy isn’t necessarily something people want to achieve. Instead, it’s a helpful tool to use when your financial situation takes a turn for the worse. Under US law, you have a right to file for […]
Video-COVID-19 and Coronavirus Bankruptcy Resources Welcome to our Florida COVID-19 and Bankruptcy resources page. Attorney Robert M. Geller will be posting frequent video updates about how the COVID-19 crisis affects bankruptcy to a Youtube COVID-19 resources video playlist. The videos include a variety of topics related to COVID-19 and bankruptcy in Florida including information about […]
CARES ACT Last week the president officially signed the CARES Act into law. The CARES Act, short for Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, includes many provisions that affect bankruptcy cases. It also addresses bankruptcy payment plan modifications and federally backed residential mortgage loans and foreclosures and evictions. The following questions and answers will […]