Filing Bankruptcy is Necessary under some Circumstances Financial trouble is one of the worst stressors you can face in life. The good news is there are options available to help you get a handle on things and create hope for the future when it comes to your money. Bankruptcy is one of the most powerful […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
What is Debt Settlement? Debt settlement can seem like a very appealing option when you are struggling to meet your financial obligations. It’s not as drastic as bankruptcy and it lets you off the hook for the insurmountable amount you owe. It’s as if it’s too good to be true. And this is because it […]
Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 – What’s Better for Your Situation Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy are quite different. How do you know which chapter of bankruptcy is better for you? For many people, there won’t be a choice. They’ll qualify for whichever type of bankruptcy is the better option for them and proceed […]
Bankruptcy Automatic Stay The automatic stay is what pushes many people into filing for bankruptcy. They might be headed in that direction anyway and filing is imminent, but it’s the benefit of stopping creditors from collection actions, at least temporarily, that pushes them over the hump of filing. Unfortunately, for all the automatic stay can […]
Protecting a Home in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Protecting a home is one of the primary reasons people file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. After all, if you are going to give up the opportunity to discharge your debts in just a few months versus committing to a repayment plan over several years, you’d need a decent […]
Transferring or Selling Assets before Bankruptcy There are plenty of ways someone dealing with financial problems can make money and yard sales and rummages are one of the most popular. After all, what better way to earn some cash than to sell items around your home you no longer want or need? But is this […]
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Failures Filing for bankruptcy can be one of the smartest decisions you ever make and bring massive relief when you’re dealing with financial challenges. But it only feels that way if your case is successful. And when it comes to filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, success is easier said than done. The […]
Bankruptcy Schedule Mistakes Mistakes are made all the time in life, but when you make a mistake in bankruptcy it can cost a lot. Mistakes in listing creditors could mean the difference between a bankruptcy discharge and a bankruptcy fail. The good news is you are usually allowed to correct your mistakes. When it comes […]
Does Bankruptcy Take a Long Time? If you’re facing financial challenges and ongoing harassment by creditors, the last thing you want to hear is that it’s going to take a while to resolve the problem. And while there’s no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to debt, some solutions take longer than […]
Creditor Harassment, Debt Collectors There’s no denying it: debt collectors can create a significant disturbance in your life. They’re annoying, they make you feel uncomfortable, and they can cause shame and fear. Luckily, you have tools available that can help you reduce the impact a debt collector has in your life. How can you stop […]