There Are Many Reasons that People Need to File Bankruptcy. People file for bankruptcy for a variety of reasons. There is no single cause of bankruptcy, aside from general financial struggles. The path that led to those struggles and to someone ultimately determining that bankruptcy is the best option for them varies from person to […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
If there’s one thing that’s true about bankruptcy, it’s that there are a lot of misconceptions out there about the process. This usually applies more to Chapter 13 bankruptcy than to Chapter 7 bankruptcy because Chapter 13 tends to be a bit more complex. In general, the difference between Chapter 7 and 13 is explained […]
Life after Bankruptcy The idea of living without debt is the dream of many. This is especially true for those dealing with financial stress on a daily basis. If you’re spending your days dodging calls from creditors and hoping you’ll be able to scrape together enough money to make a credit card payment this month, […]
5 Factors that Affect Bankruptcy Filing Bankruptcy can be a scary step, but it’s one that can significantly improve your life. If you’re thinking of filing there are several things you should know before moving forward. Arming yourself with bankruptcy knowledge can help you make the best decision about filing and enable you to manage […]
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Discharge and Non Completion of a Payment Plan When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy you’ll be given a payment arrangement. You are responsible for making payments for three to five years and at the end of that time, your remaining debts can be discharged. It’s possible to make changes to your […]
Declaring Bankruptcy There’s a lot of misinformation regarding bankruptcy. It’s unfortunate because many people who are struggling financially could benefit from filing, but they allow myths and untruths to guide their decision. If you’re faced with debts you are unable to afford and you aren’t sure what to do about the problem, declaring bankruptcy can […]
Bankruptcy Float There are numerous terms related to bankruptcy that are new to those who file and might seem confusing if you aren’t experienced with bankruptcy. “Float” is one of those terms. The float is the period of time between when you’ve written a check and when it clears your account. If you file for […]
Bankruptcy Can Be a Smart Decision Everyone wants to be smart, right? They want to make the best choices and be able to consider themselves capable of handling situations and knowing what to do. Unfortunately, it can be tough to always feel like this. We all make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are related to our […]
Bankruptcy and Spending Bankruptcy can offer many advantages, but it can also mean exposing your financial life to the world. Information that would otherwise be private becomes the business of the trustee and the court. Not only does this mean other people will know about your debt, but it also means they’ll be legally entitled […]
Getting a Mortgage After Bankruptcy Many people assume buying a home after filing for bankruptcy is impossible. As a matter of fact, some people postpone or fail to file at all because of this fear. They opt not to use a valuable tool that could actually make it easier for them to achieve their financial […]