Bankruptcy Can Be a Smart Decision Everyone wants to be smart, right? They want to make the best choices and be able to consider themselves capable of handling situations and knowing what to do. Unfortunately, it can be tough to always feel like this. We all make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are related to our […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Bankruptcy and Spending Bankruptcy can offer many advantages, but it can also mean exposing your financial life to the world. Information that would otherwise be private becomes the business of the trustee and the court. Not only does this mean other people will know about your debt, but it also means they’ll be legally entitled […]
Getting a Mortgage After Bankruptcy Many people assume buying a home after filing for bankruptcy is impossible. As a matter of fact, some people postpone or fail to file at all because of this fear. They opt not to use a valuable tool that could actually make it easier for them to achieve their financial […]
Bankruptcy Fraud Red Flags Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated process. It’s possible to file on your own, but it isn’t advised. Even a simple unintentional mistake can result in your case being dismissed. Worse, you could be accused of bankruptcy fraud. Even if you have every intention of being honest, there are certain things […]
Bankruptcy Timing Timing in bankruptcy is very important. A bankruptcy attorney can help you determine the best time to file, but even if you don’t file at the ideal time, there are still ways that bankruptcy can help you. This is true even if creditors or debt collectors have taken drastic action against you. Ideally, […]
How to Make the Best out of Bankruptcy Some people find themselves in financial turmoil because of choices they’ve made. They might’ve been irresponsible with credit cards when they were younger or they might have mismanaged their money or overestimated their ability to pay back the money they borrowed. In other cases, people had little […]
Bankruptcy and Sneaky Debt Collectors Filing for bankruptcy triggers something known as the “automatic stay.” This is a legal term that means creditors and debt collectors are barred from trying to collect a debt against you. If they continue to take collection actions against you it can affect their ability to recover any money in […]
Obligatory Debts and Bankruptcy There are all different kinds of debts and all of them are affected differently when you file for bankruptcy. A dischargeable or non-obligatory debt can be eliminated in bankruptcy, which means you’ll no longer be legally responsible for paying it and the creditor will be barred from attempting to collect on […]
Co-signers and Bankruptcy If you’re considering co-signing a loan for a friend or family member, or you have a loan with a co-signer, it’s important to understand the implications, especially if you or the primary borrower is considering bankruptcy. Co-signed loans are handled differently than individual loans in bankruptcy. The most important thing to realize […]