Bankruptcy and Possessions Filing for bankruptcy can improve your financial situation, but it also has a major impact on many aspects of your life. One of the biggest concerns of those considering bankruptcy is how filing will affect their possessions. Does bankruptcy mean losing all of your possessions or having to sell everything you own […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Renting a Home after Bankruptcy There are plenty of people who rent their homes. Many of them are faced with financial struggles significant enough to consider bankruptcy, so it’s no surprise many renters are curious how filing will affect their ability to rent. This is especially true because so much bankruptcy information focuses on having […]
Can a Car Be Sold Before Filing for Bankruptcy? Plenty of car owners face financial struggles and consider bankruptcy. It’s one of the most common assets bankruptcy discussed during bankruptcy and can garner a significant resale value. It’s one of the first things a bankruptcy trustee will look at when evaluating your estate in Chapter […]
Timeline for Filing Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is not something anyone plans to do in his or her life, but once you’ve filed, looking back might allow you to see the path you were headed down for some time. Rarely does anyone have a single event cause them to file for bankruptcy immediately. Bankruptcy is usually the […]
Bankruptcy Affects All Aspects of Your Life, Including the Money You’ve Saved over the Years. This is especially true if you’ve used any retirement savings, including a loan from a 401(k) plan, to help you avoid filing for bankruptcy. Sometimes, the last-ditch attempts you make to avoid filing don’t work out and you’re left dealing […]
Post-Bankruptcy Actions in Florida to Help With Bankruptcy Success Bankruptcy is one of the best ways to make a fresh financial start. Many people who file for bankruptcy find it was their decision to file that turned their lives around and set them on a road to a much better life, financially and otherwise. Bankruptcy […]
Identity theft can be one of the most devastating events in a person’s life. It disrupts all aspects of life, especially those related to finances, and it is frustrating, confusing, and time-consuming. In most cases, identify theft issues can be resolved without taking any drastic measures. Every case is different, though. In some extreme instances, […]
If you feel as if you are drowning in credit card debt and you aren’t sure where to find relief, you aren’t alone. Credit card debt is one of the primary reasons people consider bankruptcy. The average American has between $15,000 and $20,000 worth of credit card debt and that number appears to be rising. […]
Though it might not happen to the world’s most famous universities, there are some colleges that go out of business. They might be purchased by another school or simply close their doors because of their own financial issues or other reasons. The most frequent colleges to go out of business are career training schools that […]
Paperwork and Filing for Bankruptcy in Florida Filing for bankruptcy sounds simple enough, but it’s actually a complicated legal proceeding that requires a great deal of organization. Unfortunately, if you fail to submit a document or you make a mistake on anything the court requires, it can result in the dismissal of your case. Not […]