Many people rely on social security benefits to pay their bills. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make ends meet, even when you’re receiving regular SS payments. This is especially true if you experience a medical emergency or other financial crisis that was unexpected. If you find yourself considering bankruptcy and you’re curious how filing […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Bankruptcy is one of the best options available if you’re experiencing serious financial struggles. It can provide you with relief from debts by organizing a manageable payment plan or by discharging the debts so you are no longer obligated to pay them. Filing for bankruptcy stops creditors from pursuing you for repayment of a debt […]
Owning a home is part of the American dream and losing that home through foreclosure is a nightmare. Mortgage foreclosure is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. Thankfully, there are things you can do if foreclosure is a possibility on the horizon. Actions you take and decisions you make can […]
Despite millions of Americans struggling with student loan debt and a good deal of them defaulting on or at risk for defaulting on their loan payments, bankruptcy provides little assistance when it comes to getting the situation under control – with a few exceptions. Though it’s difficult to eliminate student loan debts in bankruptcy, it […]
Help! I Changed My Mind and I Want to Withdraw My Bankruptcy Filing for bankruptcy is a great way to pull yourself out of a dire financial situation. Unfortunately, if done incorrectly, though, bankruptcy just creates more chaos. This is often the case for people who choose to file without the support and guidance of […]
America is filled with people who have debt, but America also offers more resources to deal with debt than many other countries. This is great news for anyone who has accumulated debt at any point during their time living in the United States. There are plenty of ways someone who is not a citizen can […]
Filing for bankruptcy can be one of the smartest and most effective ways to resolve your financial difficulties. However, many people postpone filing because of how they feel about bankruptcy. All too often, the emotions of bankruptcy get in the way and people miss out on an opportunity to get their financial situation under control. […]
There’s a common misconception that the majority of people who file for bankruptcy are of a certain age. Some people assume those who file have spent years being irresponsible with credit cards and have purchased vehicles and homes and a variety of unnecessary items in an effort to “keep up with the Joneses,” and once […]
Filing for bankruptcy can be an overwhelming experience. Many people postpone filing to avoid the intimidation and anxiety they assume they’ll feel once they file. The good news is bankruptcy can be simple and pleasant, especially if you take the time to understand the process in advance and work with someone who is experienced with […]