When you file for bankruptcy you take a risk. You’re risking that the choice you’re making now will improve your financial future. The good news is for most people that risk pays off. They not only take a lot of the pressure off themselves as soon as they file, they also set themselves up for […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Bankruptcy can free you from financial burdens that have plagued you for years. It can make your life easier and provide a fresh start, financially speaking. It can also help you get back on track and undo any damage that was caused by your own mistakes or by uncontrollable circumstances. Despite all the good that […]
Deciding that bankruptcy is the right solution to help you with your financial struggles is a big commitment. Many people assume that filing for bankruptcy will destroy their life and cost them everything they own, which isn’t the case. Though Chapter 7 bankruptcy might result in the loss of your assets, Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows […]
People have many reasons for not filing for bankruptcy and the majority of them are linked to fear. Fear of friends and family finding out… fear of destroying their credit… fear of losing their homes. They might even fear that any money they earn after bankruptcy will be taken from them and given to their […]
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a great way to get your financial life back in order without putting your most valuable assets at risk. This type of bankruptcy allows you to remain in your home and exempt other assets, while getting control of your credit problems. You commit to a repayment plan lasting three to five […]
In many cases tax debts are non-dischargeable in a bankruptcy. Running up a tax debt and expecting to not have to pay it by filing for bankruptcy won’t work, so before you do anything that affects what you’ll owe Uncle Sam, make sure you consult with a credit expert or attorney. This is especially true […]
Debt comes with a great deal of baggage, especially when you’re overwhelmed by it. Nobody wants to have debt, but an affordable mortgage or car payment each month is manageable and considered “the norm.” However, when you have so much debt that you barely have enough to afford you’re living expenses each month, or that […]
Bankruptcy Without a Lawyer Bankruptcy is a legal matter. Like all legal matters, you have the right to represent yourself in court when filing for bankruptcy. Some people choose to do so because they believe it will save them money. Others file on their own for the simple fact they think it’s easy and will […]
Fraud is one of the primary reasons bankruptcies are denied. If the court suspects you have hidden assets or you’ve done anything else that would indicate you are not being 100 percent honest about your financial situation, it can dismiss your request for bankruptcy without discharging your debts. And, as many filers have found out […]