When you’ve fallen behind on a debt, creditors have the option of filing for a judgement against you. This means the court will grant the creditor permission to take certain steps to collect their debt. Essentially, a creditor with a judgement against you has more power and can pursue third-party methods of collection, such as […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Having a judgement filed against you is one of the most intimidating parts of dealing with debt. For most people, a judgement comes from ongoing financial struggles or is related to an invalid debt. In the latter case, a judgement means you neglected to fight back against a debt collector pursing a debt you were […]
There are times when a creditor will work with you to deal with a debt. Occasionally, your mortgage company falls into this category. If you’re struggling to meet your payment obligations or you’re a month or so behind on payments, you might be able to negotiate an arrangement that allows you to catch up on […]
Housing is a major concern in bankruptcy, and frequently, the focus is on foreclosure and how bankruptcy protects you from losing your home. But what if you rent? How does bankruptcy affect renting and what if you’ve fallen behind in your rent and you’re concerned about eviction? In most cases, you won’t be evicted if […]
If you’re like most people, your divorce was one of the most frustrating experiences of your life. Even under the best of circumstances, where you and your spouse both agreed to the divorce and the majority of decisions concerning the end of your marriage, the process can still be daunting. The completion of a divorce […]
Bankruptcy can help you alleviate a variety of financial problems, both directly and indirectly. Many people assume that bankruptcy is just to help you get rid of credit card debt, but this is not the case at all. People opt to file for a variety of reasons, ranging from medical debt to consumer debt to […]
Ask the average person whether or not they want to file for bankruptcy and chances are the response will be they’d rather avoid it. Some people even consider it the worst thing that can happen to them. Unfortunately, this attitude toward bankruptcy not only makes people who do choose to file uncomfortable, it means a […]
Bankruptcy is often looked upon as a last resort. Unfortunately, this causes many people to wait too long to file and what could have been prevented or salvaged had they filed earlier is lost because of the delay. In most cases, people won’t even consider bankruptcy until they are dealing with bill collectors and have […]
Discharge Is One of the Most Important Aspects of Bankruptcy. In Chapter 7, once you’ve completed all of your paperwork and gone through the stress of the meeting of creditors, you reach the discharge and are released from your debts. This means you are no longer legally obligated to repay the money you owe. In […]