There are plenty of people in the world who believe they are immune to bankruptcy. Their financial lives are in order and they have no reason to believe there could ever be a problem. Perhaps you count yourself among these people – in control of your finances and capable of planning for uncertainty in your […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Marriage joins two people together emotionally, legally, and in many cases, financially. Unfortunately, if you are married to someone struggling financially or you are the one facing financial problems, it might be better to keep some aspects of your finances separate. This can be especially beneficial during bankruptcy. If you do choose to file for […]
As you’ve probably already learned, there are different types of bankruptcy. Your personal financial situation will dictate which is best for you, but in many cases, individuals who opt for bankruptcy file for Chapter 7. This type of bankruptcy allows them to discharge all or a portion of their debt, depending on the type they’ve […]
Chances are if you are thinking about bankruptcy or you have already filed, you are feeling disorganized and perhaps a bit frazzled. Even under the best circumstances, financial challenges can leave you overwhelmed and if chaos was part of what led you to bankruptcy, now is when you’ll need to take control of your situation […]
If you’ve been searching for a job, while also worrying about financial issues, you are not alone. Whether a job loss triggered your financial woes or just added to them, things might seem bleak if your struggles just continue to worsen. If things are dire enough to consider bankruptcy, you are likely wondering how filing […]
article from CNN Bankruptcy is a great way to get a fresh start and get yourself back on track financially. It’s a tool that allows you to wipe away debt, or at least reorganize it so it’s more manageable. Whether you are already in the midst of filing for bankruptcy or you’re wondering whether it […]
The generation of people born from approximately 1980 to 2000 are in the process of graduating from high school, entering college, and moving into the job market. The “millennial” generation have grown up and are ready to face the typical challenges of young adulthood that lay ahead. Unfortunately for many, financial burdens are already extreme […]
Student loans are often granted by the government, but it is possible to borrow money to pay for college tuition from private lending institutions. If you are considering loans to help offset the cost of education, it’s important for you to understand the pros and cons of student loans. They can be useful, but they […]
If 2016 was a less than a stable, much less extraordinary financial year for you, here are a few things you can do in 2017 to avoid making your situation worse. Enroll in Counseling and File for Bankruptcy Now If Things are Dire If your financial situation is more troubled than the average person, it’s […]
Discharge of Student Loan Debt Due to Disability Student loan debt is one of the most common reasons people struggle financially. Whether they took on more debt than they could ever pay off based on their projected earnings or they are struggling to find employment after graduating when student loan debt comes due, many people […]