Filing for bankruptcy is an excellent way to get back on track financially. It can wipe out some existing debts and allow you to get a fresh start. For some, bankruptcy is their only option and serves as the jumping off point to a brighter, more manageable financial future. Unfortunately, bankruptcy cannot eliminate all types […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Anyone who has filed for bankruptcy or researched whether or not bankruptcy is an option for them knows education courses are a requirement for filers. In order to have your bankruptcy filing approved by the court, pre- and post-filing classes are a requirement. Though it might seem intimidating or silly to participate in courses to […]
The average person assumes filing for bankruptcy will damage his or her credit score, and while there is some truth to this, but what many fail to consider is those considering bankruptcy likely don’t have a great outlook to begin with. It’s possible to fix this and filing for bankruptcy might actually be your fastest […]
One of the primary reasons people choose to file for bankruptcy is because it can help improve their credit. It takes time, but resolving your financial issues through bankruptcy and keeping on track after your bankruptcy is complete can have a major impact on your credit score. For some, bankruptcy is the only hope for […]
Filing for bankruptcy requires giving up a great deal of control over your finances. However, if you’re struggling enough to consider bankruptcy, chances are you don’t feel all that much in control as is. Bankruptcy just means another person will take over the management of your money, at least on a temporary basis. This person […]
Anyone filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is required to attend a 341 Meeting or meeting of creditors. It takes place about three to four weeks after you file and it is mandatory. It is also one of the most intimidating aspects of filing for bankruptcy and the event that filers dread most. Understanding what will […]
Bankruptcy can be an intimidating process and like many things that are intimidating, it helps to feel prepared. The more you know in advance, and the actions you take to prepare for what will occur during bankruptcy, can help things go smoothly and allow you to relax and focus on what needs to be done. […]
Your bankruptcy attorney is your number one advocate during the bankruptcy process. He or she ensures you are treated fairly and that you complete all of the tasks necessary for your bankruptcy to run smoothly. The key to having a successful bankruptcy that truly puts you back on the path to financial freedom is to […]
Every year millions of Americans file for bankruptcy. As recently as 2005, up to one in 15 households had used bankruptcy to help them climb out of debt. Bankruptcy is one of the most popular tools consumers use to repair financial damage and get a fresh start. How Do You Know Bankruptcy is Right for […]