There was a time when falling behind on debts and not paying creditors could land a person in jail. Nowadays, debts can still be stressful, but nobody goes to jail because they fail to pay a credit card bill. Or do they…? America has abolished debtor’s prison and creditors now have a limited number of […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Have you received a notification that you owe the IRS money? This letter can be one of the most frightening you ever receive as an American citizen, and unfortunately, many people choose to deal with their fear by ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away. It won’t. The IRS will continue to seek payment […]
Too Rich for Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy and the ability to use bankruptcy to manage money when you have a lot of it has been in the news lately, thanks in part to the upcoming presidential election. The idea of a “rich person” filing for bankruptcy confuses many. They assume bankruptcy is something used by those in […]
Student Loan Payment Attending college is expensive. Even those who receive scholarships and/or work while attending classes might find they need additional money for tuition, books, and living expenses. The good news is college loans are available, often at a reasonable rate, making it possible to earn a degree. Unfortunately, many find their student loans […]
It’s legal in some instances for property to be taken from you and sold at auction if you do not pay what you owe for it. This is common when it comes to homes and vehicles. Unfortunately, there are instances in which someone can undeservedly be subjected to seizing. There are rules regarding how property […]
Falling behind on payments on a vehicle can be a frightening experience especially if the lender notifies you of intent to repossess. Most of us realize when we purchase a new vehicle that repossession is a possibility. However, we skim the portion of the sales contract assuming it will never happen to us. But what […]
Release of Judgement If a judgment was filed against you in relation to a debt you owed and you have worked hard to pay that debt, you will need to make sure you get a Satisfaction of Judgment or Release and Satisfaction documentation. This is the official legal document proving you paid off what you […]
Divorce is tough no matter your circumstances. However,t the process is even tougher if you are fighting over or struggling with finances. There are several important financial decisions you will need to make once you decide to end your marriage, and protecting yourself financially should be one of your most important priorities. What Can You […]
Credit card debt is common in American marriages, and also fairly common is one spouse hiding credit card debt from the other. When one person’s spending habits are drastically different than that of the other, or spending is related to behavior a person wants to hide from his or her spouse, such as an affair […]