Student Loan Repayment Options Repaying the money you borrowed to pay for college can be one of the most stressful things about graduating. Knowing that you now have a rather significant debt to repay, and that the lender is willing to consider your employment situation only so much, can be a fairly significant emotional burden. […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Medical debt can be one of the most devastating financial situations a person has to face. Not only are they facing personal health issues, they are constantly wondering how to afford current bills and future treatment. Medical debt crushes you in a way like no other. Your primary concern is health, but you also need […]
Most people assume the worst financial struggles are related to job loss, medical bills, and various other occurrences in life that are somewhat out of our control. You can save in a rainy day fund to help with these occurrences, but you can never predict when they might occur and exactly what might happen. These […]
Financial Struggles Most people think of financial struggles as something you experience mid-life. You have a home, a family, a job that pays a decent wage, and something unexpected comes along and turns your world upside down. You might lose your job or experience a medical problem or lose your spouse – all things that […]
There is a variety of issues that cause financial struggles, but in many cases, people who are considering bankruptcy fall into one of three bankruptcy scenarios. They over-extended and used credit to pay for things they could not afford otherwise; they were hit with an unexpected medical bill; or their circumstances resulted in their falling […]
Think you know everything there is to know about bankruptcy? If you have filed recently, that might be the case. However, if you are someone who has never considered bankruptcy but current financial struggles are getting to you, or you filed for bankruptcy many years ago and the money burden has once again reared its […]
More and more these days, graduates are finishing their college careers deep in debt. Before they even join the job market, get married, buy a home, or start a family they are saddled with significant debt. Statistics also show young adults are accumulating wealth at a much slower pace than their parents are grandparents, due in […]
Saving money can be one of the best things you do to avoid further problems as you recover from bankruptcy. There is no denying things must chance after you file, but it is still possible to move in the right direction with your finances despite previous missteps. These five savings tips will help you get […]
Millions of Americans are living beyond their means, but many have no idea their financial situation is as bleak as it is. For some, things will turn around before they reach the crisis point. Perhaps they are saddled with student loan payments or they are in the midst of a job change. Unfortunately for some, […]