Falling behind on payments on a vehicle can be a frightening experience especially if the lender notifies you of intent to repossess. Most of us realize when we purchase a new vehicle that repossession is a possibility. However, we skim the portion of the sales contract assuming it will never happen to us. But what […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Release of Judgement If a judgment was filed against you in relation to a debt you owed and you have worked hard to pay that debt, you will need to make sure you get a Satisfaction of Judgment or Release and Satisfaction documentation. This is the official legal document proving you paid off what you […]
Divorce is tough no matter your circumstances. However,t the process is even tougher if you are fighting over or struggling with finances. There are several important financial decisions you will need to make once you decide to end your marriage, and protecting yourself financially should be one of your most important priorities. What Can You […]
Credit card debt is common in American marriages, and also fairly common is one spouse hiding credit card debt from the other. When one person’s spending habits are drastically different than that of the other, or spending is related to behavior a person wants to hide from his or her spouse, such as an affair […]
What you do in the weeks and months leading up to filing for bankruptcy can have a significant impact on how your case is handled. As a matter of fact, there are things you can do during that time period that could cause your bankruptcy to be denied. What Will the Bankruptcy Trustee Consider About […]
Determining whether bankruptcy is the right option for you requires a great deal of thought. Every situation is different and each case should be treated on an individual basis. Some people have better options than bankruptcy or their financial situations are just not dire enough to require bankruptcy yet, while others can use bankruptcy to […]
There’s a lot of talk right now regarding student loans and many people are wondering if not paying back the money they borrowed to attend college might be an option. Whether you are experiencing financial hardship and unable to make loan payments or you are thinking about defaulting on your loan as a political statement, […]
Foreclosure is one of the most frightening things you can face as a homeowner. Not only are there immediate ramifications, like wondering where you will live, there are also long-term consequences like damaged credit. Luckily, there are several things you can do to prevent foreclosure. These solutions might not end all of your financial problems, […]