5 Things to Know about Bankruptcy Are you considering bankruptcy but you still are not sure it is the right option for you? If you are in the gray area between serious financial issues and actually filing for bankruptcy, you are not alone. It is important you take time to consider all of the consequences […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Most bankruptcies go smoothly and are the right solution for solving serious financial problems. This is especially the case for people who work with an attorney when filing their bankruptcies. Bankruptcy attorneys offer guidance and support through an unfamiliar situation. Unfortunately, there are instances in which this is not the case and if you face […]
Many debt collectors behave professionally and work within the letter of the law to collect debts owed to their clients or their own companies. Unfortunately, there are also those that behave unscrupulously and mistreat consumers, sometimes to the point of breaking the law. Whether you have been approached by an above board debt collector or […]
Zombie debt is old debt that “comes back to life.” In the world of money lending, debts are often sold to other financial institutions and when an old debt is sold to a new debt collector, that debt collector sometimes tries to revive it by intimidating the borrower into paying. The key to surviving zombie […]
Consumers have certain tools available to them that offer protection from debt collectors. This is especially useful if you think you have been contacted by a debt collector about a debt that you think is not yours or you are not sure is valid. Debt validation is a process that allows you to request and […]
Using bankruptcy successfully is about more than just “wiping out” your debt. It requires a change in your spending habits and your overall approach to money. If you file for bankruptcy and return to your previous spending habits within a year or two, it won’t be long until you are in the same dire financial […]
Congratulations! You have made your way through bankruptcy and are ready to begin your new financial life. Or… you are contemplating bankruptcy and you want to know what steps to take in the future to avoid the financial struggles you face now. Now matter where you are in your bankruptcy journey, there are a few […]
Dealing with out of control debt is one of the most stressful experiences in life. It is the type of stress that keeps you awake at night and prevents you from enjoying life. Luckily, there are ways to get debt under control, but it takes some effort. If you are facing seemingly insurmountable debt and […]
If you are dealing with financial problems it is important you be aware of and to understand the meaning of your credit score. Your credit score is one of the most important factors affecting your financial health. Once you understand how your credit score is created and used, you can take the steps necessary to […]