Bankruptcy can be a great tool to use to help you get back on your feet financially. However, in the months and years after bankruptcy, you will need to find new ways of dealing with certain financial situations, especially those that typically require the use of a credit card. Travel is often one of the […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Contemplating bankruptcy and actually taking the steps to file are two very different things. Most people consult with a lawyer before taking the leap into bankruptcy, but there are a few questions you can ask yourself before contacting a bankruptcy expert that will help you determine whether filing is your best option. Bankruptcy is a […]
Accusations of bankruptcy fraud can be one of the scariest experiences of a person’s life. You finally gather the courage to file for bankruptcy and get your financial life back on track, only to face accusations that you are a dishonest criminal. The thought might be enough to prevent you from filing. The good news […]
The Meeting of Creditors, sometimes called the 341 Meeting, is the only in-person obligation you have in relation to your bankruptcy filing. If you are like more people, you are likely already nervous about facing your creditors at this meeting. The idea of walking into a room filled with people to whom you owe money […]
Preparing for bankruptcy is not something most people spend much time considering. They file for bankruptcy as a last resort or act of desperation, finally reaching their limit regarding calls from creditors and mounting fees. Unfortunately, if you do not prepare for bankruptcy, your choice to file can backfire. If you believe bankruptcy might be […]
It might sound crazy, but it is possible for a person to die once he or she begins filing for bankruptcy. Obviously, as the deceased, you have little concern for the outcome, but your loved ones and others involved in the management of your estate will be forced to deal with the consequences once you […]
Bankruptcy schedules are the documents submitted to the court that include all relevant personal and financial information of the person filing. They are included in the bankruptcy petition and must be completed properly to ensure the case is not dismissed. Each schedule (A-J) includes a variety of information pertinent to the bankruptcy case and includes: […]
Bankruptcy cases are reviewed in bankruptcy court. These courts are part of the federal district court system and were established in 1979. An understanding of these courts and how they work can help you feel more confident about your bankruptcy case and prepare you for what is to come in the days, weeks, and months […]
Bankruptcy is a path taken by many people experiencing financial struggles. It is an effective way to get things back on track and take control of your financial future. Unfortunately, the bankruptcy process is not free. How does someone already facing financial struggles find a way to pay for the bankruptcy process that can get […]