Bankruptcy is an effective tool for helping you regain financial footing after a difficult financial struggle. It is a process that allows you to organize your debt and in some cases, alleviate certain types of debt completely. Bankruptcy is temporary and once your bankruptcy is discharged, you will need to take action to re-establish your […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Bankruptcy is a personal choice and can be a difficult topic to discuss with your loved ones. Some people might feel obligated to share their decision with friends or family if they have turned to these people for financial support in the recent past. Of course, if your bankruptcy and overall financial situation will cause […]
Wage garnishment occurs when creditors receive money directly from your paycheck to satisfy a debt. A court order is needed for this to occur and it is often a “last resort” used by creditors to obtain their money. For many, back tax payments to the IRS are what trigger garnishment, though it is possible for […]
Bankruptcy is often viewed as a last resort. It is not until there are no other options and a person is desperate that he or she approaches an attorney about filing for bankruptcy. Unfortunately, this is not always the ideal scenario. Waiting until creditor harassment is out of control and your hands are tied can […]
Debt consolidation is a tool to help you get your financial life organized. It can prevent more serious financial problems, but it is not for everyone. Some people’s financial struggles are beyond consolidation and others are facing problems that will not be helped by consolidating debt. Understanding the process of debt consolidation and what it […]
There are many myths about bankruptcy and these myths often why people postpone filing. Unfortunately, the longer they wait to file the worse their financial situation becomes. Before you decide whether bankruptcy is right for your situation, consider a few of these myths. Have you been led to believe bankruptcy will create any of the […]
The problem encountered by many people with financial issues is recognizing the point at which to take action. Obviously, if your financial problems are minor, you can “tighten the belt” a bit until things improve. However, there comes a point at which no more belt tightening is possible. Things are spiraling out of control and […]
Supreme Court DOMA Ruling Same-sex marriage is gaining legal recognition across the country. These changes have a significant impact on federal legal matters, including bankruptcies and other financial issues. Since the Supreme Court struck down part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in the summer of 2013, the Justice Department and therefore, the federal […]
Facing financial hardship is a scary experience, but it is one that is quite common. As the economy ebbs and flows, and people struggle to find work and make ends meet, they find themselves deeper and deeper in a financial hole. Ignoring the problem is the worst thing you can do. Instead, take action to […]
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an agency designed to protect consumers from the financial abuse of major companies. The agency, created as part of an overhaul of the financial industry in the last few years, acts as a consumer watchdog and keeps tabs on banks and other lending institutions. Representatives of the bureau have […]