A large number of college students around the country and in Florida rely on student loans to pay for their education. Some of those student loans come from private lenders, which can be more expensive than federal student loans. Not being able to repay private student loans has led many graduates to file for bankruptcy. […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Florida consumers may be surprised to learn that in the last year, the three credit bureaus have starting adding payment histories to credit reports. They are doing so in an effort to give lenders a better picture of a consumer’s credit card debt. For now, this information is not affecting a person’s credit score, but […]
A lot of the young people nationwide and in Florida that were teenagers when the housing market and economy collapsed may now be either in college or graduating from college. Research shows that these young people may be better at dealing with credit card debt than their parents. There are different schools of thought as […]
It may not be newsworthy to read that many Florida seniors live on a fixed income. However, how that admittedly obvious fact is affecting seniors faced with mounting medical bills may be worth mentioning. These days, it seems simple for seniors on a fixed income to pay medical and dental bills through loans and/or credit […]
Many Florida students use student loans to put themselves through school. With the rising cost of a college education, this debt can seem insurmountable when it comes time to repay the loans. Graduates may be able to use a debt relief option, offered by many student loan holders, to keep their payments manageable. This is […]
A good portion of the results regarding the $25 billion bank settlement brokered last year have been compiled. Those results leave room for some doubt that the settlement provided homeowners with the debt relief option that many feel they deserved. Florida homeowners may or may not be surprised that the majority of the settlement funds […]
There have been many news stories of late indicating that the economy is beginning to recover, but not everyone is feeling it. Many people are still struggling to pay off the credit card debt they incurred during the recession. When jobs were scarce or medical bills were piling up, many in Florida turned to their […]
The rate in which consumers around the country and in Florida filed bankruptcy increased during the recession. The number of bankruptcy filings has steadily decreased, but some people believe that there may be another surge in filings. The recovering economy has some worried that consumers will once again get into serious debt. Most consumers file […]
Most everyone in Florida has heard of the concept of buyer’s remorse. This usually comes from making impulsive decisions and buying something that you just didn’t need and may have been a waste of money. Those same impulsive decisions can translate to financial decisions that could end up leading to bankruptcy. A lot of people […]
For the first time in nearly five years, consumers seem to be spending more. The amount of credit card debt being accumulated by consumer around the country and in Florida has risen by an estimated 0.6 percent. This may not seem like much, but it could have implications as to the state of the economy. […]