As the economy continues along a slow path toward recovery, many Florida residents are struggling to find and keep good jobs. Even those with a college education are finding difficulty in a slow job market, and in many cases are also faced with high levels of student debt. One recent report looks at the current […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Many Florida residents are burdened with high level of credit card debt. Living with excessive debt is stressful, but many people simply do not know how to begin to tackle debt reduction. The following tips are offered as a guideline for anyone who is ready to begin the process of emerging from beneath a mountain […]
Credit Card and Medical Debt For many people, the thought of taking on any more debt can be a daunting proposition. With high-interest rates on credit card debt, many Florida residents simply cannot afford to take on any more debt that could result in them falling further behind than they already are. This may even […]
The bankruptcy process is about getting debt under control. In many cases, the largest debt on the books is the mortgage. A home is often the most valuable asset that people own, and for some the fight to keep it is the most important goal of bankruptcy. For others, getting rid of the incredible weight […]
There are a lot of elderly residents in the Tampa Bay area as well as individuals seeking a friendlier climate to recover from a life-threatening illness. Our Tampa Bankruptcy Blog talks about medical debts as a factor in causing residents to seek personal bankruptcy solutions, but how great is that factor? A recent study shows […]
A warning about credit card debt relief options was the focus of our prior post. It wasn’t a warning against finding a solution, but instead it warned about jumping into a decision before truly understand the benefits and consequences associated with that decision and other options. We used withdrawing from 401(k) as an example, the […]
Each month the credit card statement is sent out like clockwork. Florida residents can predict fairly accurately when that bill will show up in their mailbox. For those with credit card debt, it is a day that they dread. Just opening the statement, looking at a principal balance and the high interest rate applied to […]
There is no doubt that filing for personal bankruptcy protection is a big decision. In some cases it is not the best solution, but in many other situations it is the right choice. In many other instances it would be the right choice, but a lack of information about the process might make a person […]
Winning the lottery is something that most Florida residents if not nearly everyone across the nation has probably thought about. Even if a lottery ticket was never purchased, many people have completed the statement “If I won the lottery, I would…” For some people, the financial security provided by a lottery win was short lived. […]
A probate estate and a bankruptcy estate are two very different estates with very different rules for asset inclusion, and assets included in one could have an effect on the other. Take the example of a trust: being the beneficiary of one does not mean that finances are never an issue. Take a situation where […]