Payday loans are a way for those who know that they have money coming but who have bills now. They can certainly help some people who need the cash on hand, but the money comes with some very serious risk — which has landed even money conscious people in financial trouble. The way that payday […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Personal bankruptcy is the topic of this blog and differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings the focus of this series. Our last post gave a little more explanation about what liquidation means in the Chapter 7 process. This post will focus on Chapter 13 — the reorganization bankruptcy. Chapter 13 is called the […]
Unmanageable debt is something that can hit those that make minimum wage and those that are considered high-income earners. It can affect small businesses, large corporations, investors and entrepreneurs. Bankruptcy is a place where they can turn to get things back under control, but there are four chapters that apply to individuals and businesses: Chapter […]
Casey Anthony became a well-known name in the Florida area as well as across the country. Her criminal trial caused immense controversy and intense feelings. Whatever individuals feel, the fact stands that a jury acquitted her of the charges that would have sent her to prison and found her guilty of lying about the disappearance […]
Retirement is something that those in the top age group of the workforce often look forward to. After punching the clock for most of their adult lives, those nearing the retirement age can’t wait to spend some time enjoying their grandchildren, their hobbies or simply relaxing for a while. Although the golden years are something […]
Those who follow our Florida Bankruptcy blog read about the helpful hint last week that seeking counsel or taking action early when confronted with debt is often the best decision. Our prior post focused on how waiting until after the foreclosure judgment has been entered doesn’t leave a lot of room for changing the outcome […]
Florida residents are known for their generosity to those around them, especially during the holiday season. If you are one of those generous individuals, you are often willing to do almost anything for your family and close friends. Sometimes this means getting them the perfect gift in December, and sometimes this means a bit of […]