Student Loan Default If you’ve fallen behind on student loan payments or your student loans are in default, you aren’t alone. There is more than $1.6 trillion in outstanding student loan debt. Financial experts say that up to 40 percent of people with student loans could be in default in the next three years. The […]
Tampa Bankruptcy Law Blog
Unemployment and Bankruptcy Searching for a job when you are faced with a dire financial situation is difficult. If you’ve opted to file for bankruptcy and you’re also exploring the job market, are there things you need to worry about when it comes to unemployment and bankruptcy? Finding a Job After Bankruptcy Searching for a […]
Tuition Clawback Student loans are one of the primary causes of financial struggles and a common reason people ultimately file for bankruptcy. In many families, parents assist their children with the high cost of tuition. Unfortunately, finances are unpredictable in this day and age. Helping your child pay for college could put you at a […]
Should I File for Bankruptcy? If you’re considering bankruptcy and you feel as if you’re the only person in the world struggling with financial obligations, you aren’t alone. Not only are you not the only person, but you also aren’t the only one who feels this way. Financial challenges that are severe enough to consider […]
Student Loan Debt Taking out a loan or multiple loans to attend college is nothing new. Students have been using loans to pay their tuition for decades. The government even offers low-interest loans to make repayment of student loan debt easier once you graduate. But this doesn’t mean repayment is actually easy. More often than […]
College is one of the most expensive investments you’ll ever make. This is especially true if you attend beyond the traditional four years and seek a higher degree. By the time many people complete their education, they’re dealing with tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of dollars in debt. And while it’s worth […]
Though it might not happen to the world’s most famous universities, there are some colleges that go out of business. They might be purchased by another school or simply close their doors because of their own financial issues or other reasons. The most frequent colleges to go out of business are career training schools that […]
Despite millions of Americans struggling with student loan debt and a good deal of them defaulting on or at risk for defaulting on their loan payments, bankruptcy provides little assistance when it comes to getting the situation under control – with a few exceptions. Though it’s difficult to eliminate student loan debts in bankruptcy, it […]
If your financial struggles are primarily caused by student loan debt, you are not alone. The student loan debt of Americans is estimated to be more than $1 trillion and about $85,000,000,000 is past due. The average borrower has about $30,000 in student loan debt. Some financial experts believe the situation is so bad it’s […]
Bankruptcy and Private Student Loans Student loans are often granted by the government, but it is possible to borrow money to pay for college tuition from private lending institutions. If you are considering loans to help offset the cost of education, it’s important for you to understand the pros and cons of student loans. They […]