Filing for bankruptcy is one of the best ways for many people to get their financial situation back on track. Nobody wants to spend their days pursued by creditors and dealing with ongoing financial burdens. That’s as true now as it’s ever been, especially when so many people are facing additional financial struggles as a result of the health pandemic.
If you have ever considered filing for bankruptcy and you believe now is the time, we can help. There are several ways you can file, which ensures that everyone, regardless of their needs and their personal situation, is able to receive the benefits of bankruptcy.
Ways to file for bankruptcy include:
1. File from Home
It’s possible for people who want to file for bankruptcy to do so right from the comfort of their own homes. They never need to visit an attorney or go to court. Any information they need to submit is done so online or by mail, and any meetings that were previously held face-to-face are done virtually. This means it’s easy and convenient to take care of the filing. You’re able to file for bankruptcy even if you do not want to avoid potential COVID-19 exposure or if you have any other reason for preferring to not meet in person.
2. File by Visiting Our Office
Despite the convenience and ease of filing for bankruptcy from home, some people still prefer to file the conventional way. Filing this way is still an option unless there are restrictions regarding in-person meetings and/or court closures.
It’s also possible to use a blend of filing from home and filing conventionally. For instance, if you’d like to begin the process online, meet face-to-face at some point to discuss your case in detail, and then handle the 341 Meeting and anything else that comes up remotely, that’s an option as well. We’re able to customize the process to meet your needs and make filing as easy as possible for you.
3. File on Your Own
The last option, filing by yourself without any legal guidance, is not something we’d recommend. It’s possible to do so and like any legal proceeding, you have the right to represent yourself. But it’s risky filing on your own without expert legal guidance.
Many people attempting to handle the bankruptcy process on their own end up hiring an attorney later in the process. They make the call after realizing how complicated the process is. Some never learn and their cases are dismissed due to some small error. Sadly, this could’ve been avoided had they worked with an attorney.
To learn more about how risky it is filing for bankruptcy without an experienced professional guiding you through the process, check out this information from
You have a lot of options when it comes to filing for bankruptcy and there’s more flexibility now than ever before. But the last thing you want to do is jeopardize your case by filing without representation.
If you’d like to learn more about how to file for bankruptcy or you are ready to begin the process, we’re ready to help. Contact the Law Office of Robert M. Geller at 813-254-5696 to schedule a free consultation.
By Law Offices of Robert M. Geller, P.A.
/ February 28, 2025
Filing for bankruptcy doesn’t mean losing everything you own. Florida’s bankruptcy laws include exemptions that protect your property. These exemptions...